Letters To A Father

Letters To A Father #1

There are so many things are on my mind. Yet I have no questions, no reactions. I have always wanted to write to you. To get things off my chest. To get all the questions of why out of my head.


I had all the words floating around in my head, Yet there was never a need for a pen & paper. You see they’re never meant to be sent to you. It’s nothing next to having you stand in front of me. Hearing me as I talk to you, but you never came.
I guess I’ll leave it at that.
I hope you’re somewhere reading my letters to you.
-Letters From Your Daughter

20 thoughts on “Letters To A Father #1

    1. Yeah i played with the idea of journaling to him but i dont know if ppl will read. Ya know? But i guess that it will be for me most of all getting things off my chest. I still might do it. More coming soon


      1. I only sub to blogs I genuinely like and think are creative soooo you got a reader here. Plus, I somewhat relate to this narrative.

        I don’t know if your intentions is for us to read them or you really want him to?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks im happy you relate. And to be honest i dont think he would ever read them. I would love it if he did but thats me being VERY hopeful. Its more for you guys to read and for me to get it off my chest really.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I don’t mean to get personal but did he leave y’all when y’all was kids or adults. Because reading these letters I found out he is the father of your 3 brothers too? So it seems he stayed around a while?


      4. I can relate. I look forward to more. I like how you’re making your blog’s subject matter versatile. While I can’t relate to hair and clothes (kind of) I can relate to this lol … not lol at this post … but what I just said … you see I made a funny … just then … see.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Aww thanks . That means alot to me that you like my blog. And yeah i got your funny. You got me lol. Im also trying to get more into the hair and clothing side of bloggin. How is your writing going (youtube writing)


      6. My goal this weekend was to write scripts 17 and 18 but I lost track of time due to procrastinating and doing other important stuff (like laundry and stuff). Although, I suppose to been at least wrote 25 scripts I am still on pace to have it completed by year’s end (my goal) and have my overall story done by March (48-52 scripts). Thanks for asking πŸ™‚ Have you been brainstorming more ideas for yours?

        Have you found other bloggers that do hair and clothing? Man! It’s a lot of women on YouTube that do makeup and fashion.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. That sounds great. I also have a problem with procrastinating. And not not yeah i said i would be like my blog and more life vlogging so no i guess i havent thought about a topic for it yet. Dont really know just yet im sure it will hit me soon.


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